
Enjoy our blog entries below to learn more about the care we provide at Flatrock, the people we serve, our dedicated staff, and the issues that are important to us as an organization.

Overcoming the “Not in My Backyard” mindset

NIMBYism is a common reference to the resistance of local residents to the establishment of homes and other facilities for individuals with mental illness or disabilities in their neighborhoods. This resistance is most often fueled by fear, stigma and misconceptions about the residents in these care homes.

Light it Up Blue!

Today is World Autism Awareness Day and the entire month of April observes awareness of this common – and commonly misunderstood – condition.

End the Stereotypes about Down Syndrome

World Down Syndrome Day’s theme for 2024 is a call to end the stereotypes of those with Down Syndrome. For those with intellectual disabilities, stereotypes can stop them from being treated like others and often excluded, underestimated or dismissed.

March Commemorates Development Disabilities Awareness Month

Developmental disabilities refer to a variety of conditions that affect cognitive, physical, communication and social functions. Some examples include intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, Down Syndrome and cerebral palsy.

Celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week

Since its inception, the Random Acts of Kindness movement has gained so much momentum, and Random Acts of Kindness Week is celebrated by more and more people each February!

Make a Friend Day

We all know that friendship enhances our lives by reducing loneliness and providing fun and support. But did you know that friendship is beneficial to your health?

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Human trafficking is often a hidden crime. It can be challenging to identify since traffickers often use manipulation, coercion, and threats to control their victims. Individuals with disabilities — whether mental or physical — are particularly vulnerable to trafficking for several reasons, including limited mobility and independence; dependence on others for care; economic vulnerability; communication challenges; and social isolation.

January is World Health Esteem Month

For many, January is a time for a clean slate. Resolutions are made to improve lives. For many though, those resolutions result in disappointment and a feeling of failure As an alternative, World Health Esteem Month aims to change that cycle. Instead of making far-reaching resolutions that are difficult or impossible to attain, World Health Esteem Month encourages people to make small choices to enhance their lives.

What happened to that New Year’s Resolution?

We’ve all been there, kicking off the year with a “New year, new goals, new you!” mentality. And then …. a few months, or weeks or even days later and that New Year’s Resolution that was going to change your life is somewhere on the very back burner of your everyday life.

Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Today, Flatrock observes a very important holiday, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This United Nations-sanctioned day promotes the rights and well-being of persons with physical and mental disabilities at every level of society around the world.